
You are Right Darling!

ImageHina’s married life was truly a blissful one and she was an ardent lover of her husband, who was a loving and caring man. Except his habitual statement tampered with slight ego, ‘women really have smaller brains’; Amit was gem of a person.

Whether it was finalizing, planning or decision making …after a long procedure of thinking together, Amit  always declared his final choice by saying, ‘women really have smaller brains…’  Hina felt small, she knew the scientific explanation of it and she could argue on the subject and prove her husband wrong, but this was the matter of habit and ego, how is she going to help Amit to get out of it?

It was the New Year party. Hina was announced the best dressed woman of the evening; Imageshe wanted to feel that moment, suddenly the fun filled atmosphere turned gray for her when she heard, ‘she always follows my advice otherwise you know women really have smaller brains….’ Amit commented as usual.

Yes darling you are right; women really have smaller brains because they don’t have WIVES.’ Hina retorted smilingly.

Everyone including Amit appreciated the gag. The atmosphere had become lively, especially for Hina who smartly clipped a thorn out of her happily married life.


Imagenew research conducted by the University of California has suggested that despite having a smaller brain in comparison to men, women’s brain is capable of working more efficiently than that of men’s.


This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Picture Courtesy: Google Images

14 thoughts on “You are Right Darling!”

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